The main objective of the project is to develop a start-up company named "Commercial Bay Production" by development and distribution of original audiovisual products. The specific objective aims the collection of a team of qualified personnel who will create the products and support their realization; purchase of equipment, development of marketing plan and market anysis and development of web site that will impose our brand. Through the project we will develop the capacity of the company to create new products with high added value and according to the current tendencies in consumer attitudes. The project covers two main activities: 1) activities for implementation of the entrepreneurial idea 2) visualization of the project activities. By implementing the first activity, we will be able to secure the key resources to start the business: - Human resource - experts that will have the necessary knowledge to create new products and their subsequent development. - Technical resources - fast editing stations, server, professional software, that will enrich the available equipment and will ensure the effeciency, contenious proceses and products with high quality. In addition, we will also create a website to provide a direct connection to the viewers. Through the second activity we will ensure visualization of all stages of the project implementation, with an emphasis on the EU contribution. The implementation of the project will bring many positive results for our young organization. We will be assisted in the most important areas for the existence of one new company. Through the implementation of the project we will develop new business entities which have sales revenue, creates new jobs and creates original audio-visual products.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 06 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 06 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 189,007.00 |
Grant | 151,205.60 |
Self finance | 37,801.40 |
Total paid | 33,423.76 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |