By the completion of the current project proposal “Dybrava 2018” ltd will apply a comprehensive, integrated approach toward solving the identified problems and limitations of the growth for one starting and newly established company, which is a reliable producer of quality and competitive multifunctional mobile semitrailer that helps for preventing fire and natural disasters. The project activities related to deployment of production facilities and new technologies are aimed at achieving the production of high quality mobile semitrailers. With setting those targets the project will have a direct influence on completing the main strategic goal for development of the company, which aligns the good practices in this business sector and will increase the effective and efficient use of resources. This project proposal includes the creation of new and sustainable working places for the people leaving in Montana region, which is one of the poorest and underdeveloped regions in the EU according the Eurostat. Because of completing this project proposal, a new management and organizational structure of “Dybrava 2018” ltd will be created. New industrial equipment, which will comply with the best standards for quality and safety, will be introduced in the production processes. The result of completing this project will have long-term effects, like having a good condition for strengthening and improving the production capacity which is a key factor for having a sustainable growth of “Dybrava 2018” ltd and building new and strengthening the competitive advantages for having a better market presence at the highly competitive national and international markets. In all project activities are included measures for implementing the horizontal principles for equal opportunities and non-discrimination, gender equality and sustainable development.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 31 May, 2019 |
End date | 30 Nov, 2020 |
Contract date | 31 May, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 171,320.00 |
Grant | 137,056.01 |
Self finance | 34,263.99 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |