The current project proposal focuses on the realization of the entrepreneurial idea - services for applied research and experimental development in the field of measurement and testing of electromagnetic compatibility from "DAR - CENTER FOR APPLIED RESEARCH" Ltd. It is identified on the basis of its estimated market potential, the education and expertise of the team that will implement it and the added value of the services. These services include: sustainability testing, incl. resistance to electrical fast transition process/packet impulses, rebound, conductive disturbances induced by RF fields and resistance to short-term voltage drops, short-term interruptions and voltage variations; radiation tests, including measurements of maximum permissible radiation levels, determination of harmonic current emission limits and compatibility of multimedia devices, the assortment being not exhaustive and directly related to the available equipment, which the company will have at its disposal. The main market advantage of these services is that it will offer its customers, manufacturers or integrators of electronic equipment, system suggestions and solutions aimed at developing and manufacturing new electronic products and devices, as well as improving existing products and devices - a research and development, which currently does not exist in Bulgaria and is an open market niche. In order to be able to realize its entrepreneurial idea, the company needs to hire qualified personnel - 4 people on labor contract, who will implement the services in practice; purchase tangible fixed assets - 5 pcs. different type and functionality measuring equipment and a website development. All of this will have a cumulative effect on enabling the company to offer quality niche services with high added value.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 13 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 13 Sep, 2020 |
Contract date | 13 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 248,614.00 |
Grant | 198,891.20 |
Self finance | 49,722.80 |
Total paid | 147,888.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |