Inventors Discoverers Innovators

This project proposal focuses on creating a new TV product called “IDI Bulgaria”. “IDI Bulgaria” is a TV competition show, where inventors, discoverers and innovators will present their creative and innovative works. This TV product includes: - Presentation of authors and their ideas; - Following the processes of implementing the inventions in real life; - TV audience assessment of the significance of each invention, innovative idea or discovery and its contribution to real life and the society. “IDI Bulgaria” is a TV product which through information with scientific and technical character and information about the results of creative work that is an object of intellectual property and is disclosed in the presence of its inventors, discoverers and innovators, provides the periodical TV show competition. The TV product “IDI Bulgaria” will be accomplished through a television broadcasting contract. The main purpose is for the show to get the most-watched TV time. “Inventors Discoverers Innovators” Ltd is going to hire a team of specialists in TV and Art as well as the company is going to purchase all the long-term tangible and long-term intangible assets needed to film, process and broadcast the show. The company is also going to rent a premise, where the materials of every single episode will be processed and the show itself will be filmed. The project development plan strictly follows both the principles of sustainable development and the environmentally friendly principles. The audiovisual product “IDI Bulgaria” is a competition between the society’s most useful new goods, services, processes and knowledge. One of the main assessment criteria will be the environmental effect of lessening the impact on the environment and the responsible use of natural resources. The competitive nature of the show will further distinguish of the most promising new goods, services, processes and knowledge.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Jun, 2019
End date 14 Apr, 2021
Contract date 13 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 249,400.00
Grant 199,520.00
Self finance 49,880.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
