Dental implantological positioner

X-Vision Dent Lab is a newly created company which is thoroughly connected with dental imaging diagnostics, dental implantology and prosthetic dentistry. Our aim with this project is the creation and market realization of an innovative product - Dental Implatological Positioner ( DIP ). That device will allow an exact 3D positioning of the dental implant in the jaw bone and will be strictly individual - based on the surgical, anatomical and prosthetic peculiarities of the patient . One of the drawbacks of similar to our product devices nowadays is the cooling of the surgical field / the osteotome canal / which is highly insufficient. Our company will implement an innovative approach which will eliminate the forementioned problem. During the conventional placing of a dental implant via the so-called surgical guides the cooling is performed by the implantological handpiece and the attached saline. In our product, however, the cooling will be directly incorporated to the DIP. This will provide multi-volume volumetric cooling of the operating field and lead the danger of bone necrosis and post-operative sensitivity to minimum. The activities provided under the project are : -Activity for realisation of the entrepreneurial ideas’ market. The activity will be accomplished by hiring of working premises, hiring of qualified personnel - 3 people, delivery of long-term tangible assets – 2 pieces. -- Project visualization activity. The entrepreneurial idea of the products is included in the sectors of NSPSME with research activities. The products are production of tools, equipment, consumables for medical and dental diagnostics and therapy. As such, they are included in the priority directions of the ISSS thematic areas and in particular in the "Healthy Living Industry and Biotechnology". The product of the entrepreneurial idea is eco-innovation and has a respect for the environment. The project implements the principles of equality and non-discrimination.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Jun, 2019
End date 06 Dec, 2020
Contract date 06 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 249,780.00
Grant 199,824.00
Self finance 49,956.00
Total paid 80,037.60
EU participation percent 85.0%
