Launch of a new entrepreneurial idea from BSF Ltd. for the production of biocosmetic products

BSF Ltd. is a new company, registered on 14.11.2017, which with the implementation of this project will start production activity with economic code 20.42 "Production of perfumes and toilet waters", the main activity of the company will be production of biochemical white cosmetics (creams) according to their own recipe. The subject of the presented project proposal is the creation of new biocosmetic products production, in priority sectors of NSMEPA 2014-2020. For the purpose of the project, three persons with an education similar to the project idea will be employed on a labor contract, as well as a person with permanent disability. A new technology line will be purchased for the production of biocosmetic creams, a website with a platform for online marketing of the products will be created, as well as a production facility will be rented for the duration of the production activities of the project. The described project idea will be implemented in the priority areas of the ISIS, thematic areas "Healthy Living and Bio-Technology Industry" and in particular in "Methods for clean production, storage, processing and reaching the end user of specific Bulgarian ingredients, means and products" and "storage and processing of cosmetics and products". The implementation of this project will give a strong start to the new company and increase its competitiveness, will directly support the development of new biocosmetic products and their supply to foreign markets. In this aspect, the project envisages the implementation of the following main activities: 1) Implementation of the entrepreneurial idea market (the activity will be carried out by hiring qualified personnel - 3 people, as well as by purchase of new Technological line for production of cosmetic cream - 1 issue, elaboration of a website with an electronic shop - 1 pc and rent of production premises for 12 months); 2) Project visualization.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Sep, 2019
End date 13 Mar, 2021
Contract date 13 Sep, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 249,819.52
Grant 199,855.62
Self finance 49,963.90
Total paid 136,454.40
EU participation percent 85.0%
