TV broadcasts for promotion of alternative tourism in Bulgaria

Cultural Realms Ltd. is a company specialized in producing films and TV shows. Taking into account the needed changes in the product structure of Bulgarian tourism and promoting the country as a tourist destination beyond mass and seasonal tourism, we identified a niche market for comprehensive presentation of uncharted tourist destinations in Bulgaria. Within the project framework, we plan to create 10 pilot TV episodes that will promote our brand and set the foundation for long-term development of the business idea. As devised, the project falls within the thematic area of the Innovation strategy for smart specialization “New technologies in creative and recreational industries” and particularly, in cultural and creative industries as it offers audiovisual forms on the market. A key aspect of the project implementation is its social and environmental impact. As part of the team a person with more than 50% permanent disability will be hired, creating opportunities for social integration of disadvantaged people. As a result of the project implementation many processes will be optimized. This will be cost effective while creating added value for society by providing access to high-quality product. In an environmental context, this will lead to more responsible usage of natural resource and cultural landscapes while developing a culture of preservation of national resources. The project contributes to improve the impact and sustainability of environmental management by reducing carbon footprint and to shape eco-consciousness in society. The entrepreneurial idea will be implemented in Kyustendil District, where the company is registered. A workspace equipped with the necessary technology will be rented for the purposes of the project. The company will assemble a team of specialists with solid educational background and experts with proven professional experience in tourism and television production. The total amount of investment is BGN 249 682.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 28 May, 2019
End date 28 Jun, 2020
Contract date 28 May, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 248,582.00
Grant 198,865.60
Self finance 49,716.40
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
