Establishment and development of a research medical cardiovascular center

Medical Center "Vascular Cardio Center" Ltd. is a newly established innovative company with a main scope of activity research and development in the field of human health and in particular in cardiology. The project proposal aims to achieve development and sustainability in the activity of the medical center and realization of the entrepreneurial idea of ​​conducting research on the diseases in cardiology and the comparative analysis analyzes prepared on this basis. The results of these studies are of the utmost importance both for providing adequate cardiac care to patients and for enhancing quality in diagnostic, curative and prophylactic cardiac activities as well as for the achievement of positive economic outcomes of these activities. The users of the research results will be the medical institutions operating in the field of cardiology. For the realization of the project proposal will be formed a team of physicians with a recognized specialty in cardiology, who possess the relevant theoretical knowledge, practical experience and skills and will be supplied high-tech medical equipment, specialized software to help with the work and consumables will be hired work space. Economic and financial evaluation of the product, market research and analysis will be carried out and a marketing plan will be prepared in order to achieve faster and more successful market research and development. Taking into account the rapid development of human medicine in its future research and development, the cardio center will carry out further studies, analyzes and research in order to provide timely assistance to the healthcare establishments. The project falls under the thematic area of ​​ISIS "Industry for Healthy Living and Bio-Technology".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 10 Jun, 2019
End date 10 Dec, 2020
Contract date 10 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 249,889.60
Grant 199,911.68
Self finance 49,977.92
Total paid 127,248.27
EU participation percent 85.0%
