The project proposal is to create a mobile application, which is a software service with a savings character called "App Cafe". In addition to the main functions, the app has entertainment, marketing and educational features. A partner network of cafeterias (cafes, patisseries, bars, restaurants, and other coffee shops) will be set up in the mobile application, attracted by the ability to promote their business by positioning it among a clearly targeted group of mobile users. In order to attract these users physically, partners are provided with an agreement to serve free coffee to "App Cofe" users. The mobile app will also create a network of users attracted by the opportunity to consume their coffee advantageously in a pre-established network of cafes. The app will have two mobile versions, which are free to download. The version will depend on the users mobile operating system. The application will be provided with three subscription packages. The first is completely free and limited to the consumption of three free coffees per month in the affiliate network. The second one is paid and is limited to thirty coffees per month. The third, premium, is also paid and allows the use of ninety coffees, with pre-arranged bonuses included. In addition to its core features, the app will retain users' interest by providing them opportunities to communicate with the rest of the coffee community, giving information about coffee by articles on a variety of coffee related topics and benefits, part of the entertainment is getting virtual luck with every coffee. T-ADE Ltd. isn't registered for VAT and it will be not registred until the end of the program. Therefore, the Value Added Tax on the project proposal is not a reimbursable cost for the company, and the same should reimburse this project cost. All described tangible fixed assets and intangible fixed assets in the project proposal are with VAT included.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 06 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 06 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 240,700.00 |
Grant | 192,560.00 |
Self finance | 48,140.00 |
Total paid | 153,690.12 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |