Sound recording studio 'Outside the Box'

The current project proposal focuses on creating a new recording studio, which is going to operate in several directions: - Production of original sound products; - Creation, distribution and production of sound products as well as acquisition of music rights from their authors; - Creation of advertising sound products based on a concept and content preliminary developed by a corporate customer and granting him the final product and the final product rights; - Creation of sound products for personal ends for non-juridical person; - Bulgarian and foreign language dubbing of audio and video products; - Development of powerful creative concepts for sound products; - Creation of informative and entertaining sound product and placing it at television and internet media’s disposal; “Outside the Box” Ltd. is going to hire a team of specialists in directing and journalism as well as the company is going to purchase all the long-term tangible and long-term intangible assets needed for the sound recording process. The company is also going to hire a premise, where all the sound recording projects will be executed. The sustainable development of ‘Outside the box’ is guaranteed by two key facts: - The presence of interested in sound recording products customers in the area of Sliven Municipality - The lack of modern and technically provided sound recording studios in the area of Sliven Municipality. The entrepreneurial idea activities will be implemented in accordance with the EU non-discrimination directive.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Jun, 2019
End date 13 Oct, 2020
Contract date 13 Jun, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 225,150.00
Grant 180,120.00
Self finance 45,030.00
Total paid 66,492.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
