With this project the candidate plans to develop a newly established company – DIFAR Ltd. in the priority sector of the National Strategy for Promoting Small and Medium Enterprises 2014-2020 - "J59. Production of films, television programs, sound and music recording". The core of the entrepreneurial idea is: - Production of films; - Production of commercials and promotional videos; - Production of TV programs; - Musical production / performance of musical projects; - Animation film production / animation film projects. In order for the entrepreneurial idea to be implemented, the following activities will be completed: - Market realization of the entrepreneurial idea; - Visualization of DIFAR’s project; The expected results from the support received under the procedure will be the following: 1. A team of qualified personnel will be formed; 2. Renting of a company office in the city of Vratsa; 3. Purchase of the necessary equipment for the realization of the entrepreneurial idea; 4. DIFAR Ltd. will develop and implement in its daily activity the software: "Platform for management of film, music and TV productions"; 5. Develop an economic evaluation and a marketing plan for market realization of the envisioned creative projects and productions; 6. Fulfill actions necessary to ensure publicity and visualization of the project; With the realization of the proposed project, a positive effect will be achieved in regard with the sustainability of the newly established company, in addition job stability will be ensured by the employment of 3 people and financial growth achieved; - "DIFAR" Ltd. will achieve total net sales income for three consecutive years after the completion of the project which is more than 50% of the requested grant amount and, - Weighted Average EBITDA of 17.76%
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 13 Jun, 2019 |
End date | 22 Apr, 2021 |
Contract date | 13 Jun, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 248,847.96 |
Grant | 199,078.35 |
Self finance | 49,769.61 |
Total paid | 196,170.99 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |