Provision of architectural and design services with the utilization of eco-components and materials

The project envisages the provision of architectural and design services with the utilization of eco components and materials. The firm of the entrepreneur will give priority to the design of single and multi-family residential buildings, based on the principles of sustainable architecture, which include the utilization of materials with low negative impact on the environment, the utilization of renewable sources of heat and energy, preservation of the existing eco-systems and connecting the inhabitants of the buildings with the surrounding environment. The following two activities are planned as part of the project: 1) Provision of architectural and design services with the utilization of eco components and materials (hiring of qualified personnel, purchase of equipment, renting premises, creating a webpage of the firm of the entrepreneur, elaboration of a marketing survey of the market for architectural services in Bulgaria, participation in architectural fairs in the country and abroad) and 2) Project visualization. The project outcomes will include: 1. Creation of 4 new work places. 2. Purchase of equipment. 3. Created webpage of the firm of the entrepreneur. 4. Elaborated marketing survey of the market for architectural services in Bulgaria. 5. Creation of added value for society through the realization of projects with the utilization of eco-components and materials, which increase the value of the buildings due to the reduced consumption of energy and the lower maintenance costs. 6. Reduction of the negative impact on the environment through the implementation of the principles of sustainable architecture, which include the utilization of materials with low negative impact on the environment and of recyclable materials as well as the utilization of renewable sources of energy that will result in the reduction of the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and of the waste generated by the buildings. 7. Providing sustainable employment to 4 persons.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Sep, 2019
End date 22 Apr, 2021
Contract date 09 Sep, 2019
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 199,661.00
Grant 159,728.80
Self finance 39,932.20
Total paid 138,560.04
EU participation percent 85.0%
