Entrepreneurship is a key factor for the development of the world, European and incl. Bulgarian economy. The creation of a larger number of enterprises in a given country is directly connected with the creation of more favorable conditions for generating high incomes and prosperity for its population. That is to show that promoting the entrepreneurial spirit and providing of conditions for establishment and functioning of a larger number of enterprises will lead to an increase in the welfare of society in general. A part of that society welfare is the need of constantly improvement of the personalized medical services, by providing a better treatment, more accurate diagnostics and a more quality healthcare in general. In pursuance of the above, the present project is aimed at developing an entrepreneurial idea related to production of dental instruments and materials applicable in the field of medicine, especially in the dental medicine. The following activities will be implemented within the project: 1) Realization to the market of an entrepreneurial idea for production of instruments and materials for dental medicine (activity include appointment of qualified personnel, purchase of equipment (lathe-1), elaboration of market survey, participation in thematic exhibition); 2) Visualization of the project; The expected results of the project's implementation will be: 1. Created 4 new jobs in "Nice Limited" ltd. 2. Purchased equipment to ensure the production process 3. A market survey conducted in support of the applicant's activities 4. Promotion of the company's products through participation in an thematic exhibition 5. Created added value for society through support for the development of the health sector 6. Achieved consistency of the entrepreneurial idea with the ISIS priorities 7. Ensure sustainable employment for 4 persons after the end of the project 8. Achieved social effect by creating lasting employment for 1 disabled person
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 26 Aug, 2019 |
End date | 08 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 26 Aug, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 247,840.00 |
Grant | 198,272.00 |
Self finance | 49,568.00 |
Total paid | 152,052.80 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |