This project proposal presents a rationale for the entrepreneurial idea of GAMMA CAMPANY Ltd. for the design and market development of a new fashion brand for women clothing. The project has duration of 12 months, for which period will be designed and produced 2 collections - spring / summer and autumn / winter. The collections will include deconstructed models in modern avant-garde style. The company will focus on creating and establishing the Bulgarian tailoring products as extremely high quality goods, suitable fabrics and designs, excellent combination of colors, impeccable cut. The patterns will be influenced by the latest global fashion trends, but by our own and original interpretation. The dressing of ladies in a modern urban style, the choice of deconstructed patterns, and help in combining clothes as a whole vision - will be the job for the team. The added value that we see, apart from the purely creative design of the garment, is related to two other strands - offering traineeships for young learners and developing a sustainable business model aimed at recycling clothing and protecting the environment. For the realization of the entrepreneurial idea the candidate has formed a team of experts with higher education and experience in the field of the entrepreneurial idea. The Candidate's team includes an expert with a PhD in Fashion Design and Research and Publications related to the use of computer systems in the fashion industry. Sustainable employment of 3 people will be ensured. The envisaged costs include also the purchase of tangible fixed assets, materials and consumables, rental costs, overhead and office supplies, costs for external services - development of economic and financial evaluation; developing market research and marketing plan; the cost of developing a website with an e-shop; visualization costs. In order to present the fashion line of the brand at the fashion exhibition in Paris, the applicant has pledged participation costs.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 12 Sep, 2019 |
End date | 12 Mar, 2021 |
Contract date | 12 Sep, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 165,762.24 |
Grant | 132,609.79 |
Self finance | 33,152.45 |
Total paid | 32,200.10 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |