Production of an installation for the preparation of water on hemodialysis with reverse osmosis (RO)

The entrepreneurial idea is in the production of stainless steel chassis and pipelines, assembling components and production of a single osmosis BRO 1000 with 4 pcs. membranes/for the preparation of hemodialysis water with reverse osmosis (RO)with main application in dialysis centers for dialysis solution. The idea is in the thematic area of ISIS "Industry for Healthy Life and Biotechnology", priority area "Production of tools, equipment, consumables for medical and dynamic diagnostics and therapy and/or participation in supranational production chain". Production of an installation for the preparation of water on hemodialysis is innovative for the Bulgarian market.To date, such products are not produced in Bulgaria. Imported from Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, making them extremely expensive.Their services are cumbersome because the spare parts are from abroad. The project will develop in three main aspects: 1. Resistance to Entrepreneurial Idea. 2. Creation and stability of jobs. 3. Achievement of growth through realization and supply of the produced installations. For the achievement of results in these guidelines, the main activities are envisaged: 1. Selection of 5 experts who will be directly involved in the production of stainless steel chassis and piping, assembling of individual components in installations. 2. Hire a premise where separate items will be produced and assembles the installation 3. Purchase of the necessary tangible fixed assets for the implementation of the Project 4. Delivery of materials for making the chassis, piping and assembling of the product 5. Market research and development of a strategy for realization of the installation 6. Participation in exhibitions and their presentation to a wide range of users. 7. Publicity and visualization of the project proposal. Through the realization and marketing of the entrepreneurial idea a positive effect on the applicant's sustainability and economic efficiency will be achieved.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 16 Aug, 2019
End date 16 Feb, 2021
Contract date 16 Aug, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 205,594.50
Grant 164,475.60
Self finance 41,118.90
Total paid 51,760.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
