„Nueva Architecture "Ltd. is a newly created enterprise with a code of basic economical 71.11 Architectural activity on KID 2008. By implementing the project idea for a Universal Vertical Integrated Product, for an architectural pre-feasibility study before buying a property, the company will have the opportunity to create vertical integration in its work. The appointment of new architects and collaborators will enable the company to produce a wide range of investment projects such as Construction, Fire Safety Project, Safety and Health Plan, Construction Waste Management Plans, Landscape Architecture, Geodesy, Electro installations, interior and more. This will give considerably better control when making the product and significantly better quality, responsibility. The ability to work with a permanent team will lead to better performance and performance of the company, which will enable it to participate in competitions and internationally. The implementation of the vertically integrated Complicated Project will invest in hardware products in the form of computer, presentation, plotting, volume-building equipment and software products in the form of software products to build a Building Information Model. With the new equipment the company will be secured thanks to the plotting and printing technique, the visual presentation of the projects will be multi-karta improved, which is one of the important factors in the good performance of a certain digital product. Nueva Architecture Ltd. will work with a team of professionals with experience in investment design at all stages - from the formulation and clarification of the investment intentions, through the design stages to the complete completion of the construction works and the adequate author supervision by the designers .
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Sep, 2019 |
End date | 22 Apr, 2021 |
Contract date | 09 Sep, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 198,548.58 |
Grant | 158,838.84 |
Self finance | 39,709.74 |
Total paid | 158,811.32 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |