Innovative social service provision on road traffic safety

This project proposal is aimed at realizing the entrepreneurial idea on the market of providing a social service for road traffic consultation for children and adolescents. It is identified on the basis of its estimated market potential, the education and expertise of the team that will implement it and its added social value. The aim is to provide quality social service, counseling and guidance for children and adolescents on road traffic safety, by creating 2 mobile learning polygons equipped with all necessary equipment - mini-traffic lights, mini pedestrian walkways, bicycles, road signs, cones, simulators, etc., and for cartings, for learning by doing, in an environment close to the real one. MTPs will be located in the yard of a school or kindergarten and participants will be included in practical sessions. In the form of games and interactive activities, children and adolescents will observe dangerous situations, train themselves to react quickly and adequately in times of crisis, learn the rules of movement, increase their ability to respond appropriately through practical training and gaining experience. Children and adolescents are identified as the most vulnerable road users with the highest risk of being involved in traffic incidents. They are active participants in the traffic and often become innocent victims due to ignorance, lack of conditional reflexes built, wrong models of behavior on the road, etc. In order to be able to realize the entrepreneurial idea "MUMV-Karandila" Ltd. needs: hiring qualified personnel - 4 people on permanent contracts, who will implement the social service; purchase of tangible fixed assets - 5 pcs; materials and consumables, as well as creating a company website. All this will have a cumulative effect on providing "MUMV-Karandila" Ltd. with the opportunity to offer quality social service with high added value.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Sep, 2019
End date 09 Mar, 2021
Contract date 09 Sep, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 249,998.16
Grant 199,998.52
Self finance 49,999.64
Total paid 84.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
