Sustainable development of "SilviMed" Medical Center EOOD

"SilviMed" EOOD was established in 2018 with the following activities: implementation of outpatient medical care, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and monitoring of patients, counseling and prophylaxis, prescribing of laboratory and other types of research, performing medical activities and manipulations, monitoring, control and care for the physical and mental development of persons under the age of 18, carrying out activities on health promotion and prophylaxis, incl. prophylactic examinations and immunizations, issuing activity related documents, directing patients for counseling and hospital care. The project falls within the scope of the following thematic area of ​​ISIS: "Healthy Living and Bio-Technology Industry" through the foreseen activities for "personal medicine, diagnostics and individual therapy, curative and pharmaceutical forms and means". NDA of the project is 86.22 - Activities of specialist doctors. The opening in Vratza of a medical center specialized in the area of ​​children's healthcare, which will provide a wide range of preventive, diagnostic, consultative and therapeutic services in one place, will satisfy the growing needs of pediatric outpatient care. Activities for realization of the entrepreneurial idea on the market are envisaged through investments in FTA and DDA and visualization of the project, incl. remuneration for the qualified team of the applicant. The implementation of the project will provide the necessary technical and human resources and capacity to satisfy the need to provide quality pediatric services on the territory of Vratsa and the region, to address the relevant European and regional challenges. The implementation of the envisaged measures for visualization and publicity of the project will ensure the popularity of the received support and will popularize the activity of SilviMed EOOD.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 16 Aug, 2019
End date 16 Feb, 2021
Contract date 16 Aug, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 197,617.67
Grant 158,094.14
Self finance 39,523.53
Total paid 126,046.25
EU participation percent 85.0%
