The present project proposal focuses on the realization of the entrepreneurial idea - creation of a center for art therapy and social integration of children and young people from vulnerable groups for provision of social services through creation, recording and presentation of musical works based on traditional Bulgarian musical folklore, with accent - the sound of the caba bagpipe, combined with modern motifs from "Gaida Fusion" Ltd. It is identified based on its estimated market potential, the education and expertise of the team that will deliver it and the added value of the services. Music therapy will be the heart of the social services the center will provide. It is a process led by qualified staff who, using the elements of music, aims to improve physical, mental, social and cognitive health. It directly affects different: chronic, neurological, psychiatric diseases, psychological traumas, developmental disturbances, social attitudes, etc. In the process of art therapy and social integration of the clients of the social service, a creative approach will be used to create folk music with modern elements, which includes: traditional works with Bulgarian Kaba bagpipe in jazz variations; author's works with Bulgarian caba bagpipes; a blend of ethno motifs with modern pop and dance sound, mostly with Bulgarian caba bagpipes and others. In order to be able to realize its entrepreneurial idea, "Gaida Fusion" Ltd. needs to hire qualified personnel - 5 people on permanent contract, who will have the skills to work with young people by creating music; purchase of fixed assets - 23 pcs. different types and functionality of recording equipment; materials and consumables - musical instruments, as well as creating a website. All this will have a cumulative effect on providing an opportunity for "Gaida fusion" Ltd. to do specific social work and producing, while offering quality niche social services on the market.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 12 Sep, 2019 |
End date | 12 Sep, 2020 |
Contract date | 12 Sep, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 101,007.00 |
Grant | 80,805.60 |
Self finance | 20,201.40 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |