The overall objective of the project is to: Improve the competitiveness of "Lazer Plus" EOOD and increasing the export potential of the enterprise through improvement of the production capacity. Specific goals of the project: 1. Improvement of the production processes: increased production capacity and automation of the production process and, as a consequence, expanding the market presence on the domestic and foreign markets 2. Reduce in production costs by increasing productivity, reducing the amount of waste generated by the production, reducing electricity consumption for production and respectively increase in the added value of output The planned activity, through wich the following goals will be achieved, is "Activity to Improve the Production Capacity" targeting: - Improving production processes - Reduce in production costs As a result of the implementation of the mentioned activity "Lazer Plus" EOOD will achieve the following main results: 1. Increased total production capacity: 110% 2. Reduction of production costs: with around 0.20 BGN/pc. per finished product 3. Project implemented in the area of (IS3): New technologies in the creative and recreational industries - 1p. 4. Productivity Growth: 79.75%. 5. Change in average export earnings: 100% 6. Increase in Net Sales Income: 162.60% 7. Internal Rate of Return: 15.69% 8. Positive environmental impact on natural resources and the environment The main problems of "Lazer Plus" EOOD – insufficient production capacity and resource-inefficient production will be solved through the realization of the project and the candidate will improve its competitiveness and will ensure a sustainable and stable market presence at the most adequate cost-benefit ratio.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Dec, 2020 |
End date | 01 Nov, 2021 |
Contract date | 01 Dec, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 429,884.00 |
Grant | 300,918.80 |
Self finance | 128,965.20 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |