This project proposal provides for investments in additional production facilities for the expansion of the machinery to create the necessary prerequisites for improving the production capacity needed to ensure sustainable growth, added value and competitive production of various integrated circuits (including hybrids) and PCBs , electronic modules and devices. The project proposal is aimed at obtaining financial support from Sonic - Hybrids Ltd (a small producer but with an identified potential for growth of the market share given the rapid penetration of technologies in all spheres of human life) for an investment in FTA related to the expansion of the the capacity of an existing business site. The project is aimed at increasing the production capacity of the applicant, expanding the market positions and increasing the competitiveness and export potential of the company. he project is implemented on the territory of an existing business site in Varna and is aimed at meeting the needs of integrated circuits and PCBs intended for installation in different machines and elements. "Sonic - Hybrids" Ltd. has few but well-developed commercial channels with fast growing needs of our production. In connection with the planned expansion of the business as a result of the increased demand on the market, Sonic - Hybrids Ltd. analyzes the weaknesses in its production chain and identifies the need for additional technological equipment for their removal by expanding their machinery by purchasing a Soldering Machine 1 pc., automatic printing machine for solder paste 1 pc., soldering iron with forced convection 1 pc and repair station with infrared heating technology 1 pc.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Dec, 2020 |
End date | 01 Dec, 2021 |
Contract date | 01 Dec, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 270,319.17 |
Grant | 189,223.43 |
Self finance | 81,095.74 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |