The following project application seeks to improve the competitive position and export potential of Invest Electronics Ltd by targeting two key areas of improvement: 1. Expansion of the production capacity of the organisation. 2. Enhancements in the quality of output. 3. Optimisation of the manufacturing process. This is to be acheived through the procurement of an automated production line, comprised of the following: - Automatic Pick-and-Place Machine, equipped with feeders; - Automatic Optic Inspection Machine; - SMT Reflow Oven Unit; - Flatbed LED UV Printer Unit; Further, the fulfillment of the goals set within this project proposal will enable Invest Electronics to achieve its mid-term strategic objectives such as: 1. Improving the financial metrics and market share of the company, including a doubling of net sales revenue, as well as export growth of over 100%. 2. Optimising internal operations, with a projected 40% rise in productivity and a 5% decrease of material costs. 3. Retaining a policy of uncompromising quality and continuous improvement, resulting in 90% customer satisfaction. 4. Raising staff motivation and qualifications through training campaigns and incentive schemes. As a result of the initiatives undertaken as part of this project, Invest Electronics Ltd. hopes to consolidate its established position in the domestic, as well as the European and Asian markets by offering high quality products and continuously striving to meet and exceed customer expectations. All movements within this initiative are to be aligned with European Cross-Cutting Policy objectives.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 15 Dec, 2020 |
End date | 15 Dec, 2021 |
Contract date | 15 Dec, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 427,800.00 |
Grant | 299,460.00 |
Self finance | 128,340.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |