Improvement of the production capacity in NIKOM TECHNOLOGY Ltd. through technological modernization

This project proposal provides for the realization of an investment plan including purchase and entry into (CAD / CAM system) for the expansion and modernization of the machine fleet in order to improve the production capacity and to increase the export potential needed to provide competitive production of industrial services for the production of various mechanical seals for pumps, spare parts for crushers, spare parts - sleeves. The project is aimed at obtaining financial support from NIKOM TEHNO Ltd. for realization of an investment intention to expand the capacity of an existing business site. The products we produce are parts and elements incorporated in mechatronic agitators (pumps, compressors, etc.) with high demand and shortened delivery and delivery times. In connection with the analysis of the production processes and the planned expansion of the activity, in response to the needs of the market, the necessity of introducing additional production capacities was identified, by purchasing Vertical triple milling machine 1, Horizontal lathe 1pcs. and CAD / CAM system 1pcs. (software for design, programming, simulation of production processes). Pursuing its main objective, namely to be a modern, growing, competitive company, the management NIKOM TECHNO Ltd. aims to improve the production processes and power for a larger number of manufactured products, better quality and for less technological time, looking for the best methods for this. As a result of the implementation of the project proposal, it is envisaged to increase the production capacity, productivity, adding quality characteristics to the products we produce, increasing the export potential, leading to better financial results, added value and expanding market positions at national and international level level.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 04 Feb, 2020
End date 17 Mar, 2021
Contract date 04 Feb, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 568,367.20
Grant 397,857.05
Self finance 170,510.15
Total paid 397,531.40
EU participation percent 85.0%
