Magic shop LTD specializes in production activities and offers a full range of activities in the field of television and other production, shooting and realization of TV programs, documentaries and feature films. The company has the necessary creative and professional resource to create products. In order to materialize this potential, modern technological means are needed to support the company's innovative ideas and goals. For the duration of its existence, the company purchases part of the technique with which it carries out its production. To date, however, the equipment is already heavily deprecated and produces numerous technical defects, which is a serious problem for the efficient running of the usual workflow. The company has adopted the practice in the particular business environment to deal with the lack of adequate equipment by hiring it from other companies, which leads to an expensive product. These negative factors limit the opportunities for market development and growth of the company, which determines the necessity of introducing in the production of new high-tech equipment, subject of this project. The planned activities of the project are aimed at the purchase of new high-quality audio-visual equipment. The need for this type of equipment is to increase the production capacity, to replace the currently depreciated assets, to eliminate the need for hiring equipment. The project will achieve self-sufficient technical provision of the processes. The new equipment will ensure a more successful presence on the domestic and foreign markets, by increasing production volumes, optimizing the production process, achieving higher productivity and improving quality. The project falls into the category of "expanding the capacity of an existing business site" and the investments are directly linked to activities to improve the production capacity of the applicant.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 17 Feb, 2020 |
End date | 17 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 17 Feb, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 766,937.46 |
Grant | 498,509.34 |
Self finance | 268,428.12 |
Total paid | 448,657.98 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |