Improving the production capacity of Ivesto Company Ltd.

"Iveso Company" Ltd. is a small-scale enterprise specializing in the production of mineral nitrogen fertilizers and mixtures of fertilizers presented in liquid, granulated or powdered form in different packages and cuts. The main production base of the company is located in the industrial zone of the town of Pazardzhik. The company has a base of 3000 sq.m. and a built-up area of ​​1300 sq.m. Workplaces and work organization are on a very high level, approaching the European standards of working conditions. The current project is initiated by the applicant to overcome "technological problems" in three key manufacturing processes - bottling of liquid fertilizers, counting of granules and small elements in fertilizers in granular and powdered form and labeling of finished products in order to increase the competitive advantages, create prerequisites for the exit of the European market and problem solving, such as low productivity, hard-to-reach quality of finished products, high cost, existence of technology marriage, etc., which affect the competitor's competitiveness. The project envisages investment in new, high-tech equipment under the state aid regime "regional investment aid", thanks to which will be carried out activity for improvement of the production capacity of the company. The equipment is part of the applicant's investment program and the possibility of grant financing is decisive for the start of the project. The project proposal falls under the thematic area "Mechatronics and Clean Technologies" of Innovative Strategy for Smart Specialization. When implementing the project, horizontal policies for equality and non-discrimination will be respected and environmental sustainability will be achieved.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 04 Feb, 2020
End date 26 Jan, 2021
Contract date 04 Feb, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 498,285.00
Grant 348,799.50
Self finance 149,485.50
Total paid 348,796.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
