Bestia Pet Ltd. was registered in 2015. The main activity of the company is production and trade of luxury leather products for pets - collars, mills, occasions, dog's breasts. The expansion of market positions and the increase of the competitiveness of the foreign markets, characterized by high intensity of the competitive struggle, necessitate constant improvement of the production process in order to meet the current trends in the branch, the dynamics of the consumer demand development and the requirements towards the end products. In view of this, the implementation of this project is envisaged, with the main objective of improving the production capacity of the company by optimizing the production processes, increasing the competitiveness and increasing its export potential. The project is related to the expansion of the capacity of the existing business site and will be accomplished through the following activities eligible under this procedure: - Activity for improvement of production capacity, which represents an investment in DMA - Technological line for the primary processing of natural leather, Technological line for belt production, Technological line for painting and placing of ornaments on leather products and Single-straight machines and heavy class with a cylindrical shoulder, leading to improved production processes, reduced production costs and improved products. Project activity and expected results will contribute to effectively addressing the problems and constraints of company development and competitiveness, due to lack of sufficient production capacity, obsolete technology and equipment and high production costs, as well as lower quality produced products. The project also falls into the priorities of this procedure, related to thematic and regional prioritization, as well as lack of experience in participation of Bestia Pet in OPDCBE and /or OPIC procedures.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 24 Feb, 2020 |
End date | 02 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 24 Feb, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 707,400.00 |
Grant | 495,180.00 |
Self finance | 212,220.00 |
Total paid | 495,179.30 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |