Improving the production capacity of a company "Tehnoimpeks 68" ltd.

Tehnoimpeks 68 Ltd is working in Bulgarian and foreign market since 2009, specializing in machining of all kinds of metal and plastic materials. The production location is in Varna West Industrial Area. The manufacturing products are mainly industrial products. The services offered by the company are: CNC turning, CNC milling, laser cutting and engraving, CNC router cutting and engraving, CNC sheet metal bending, painting, welding, 2D/3D drawings. The project proposal consists improving the production process by purchasing the following tangible fixed assets: - CNC Swiss Type Automatic Lathe The control, management and planning of production factors, as well as their efficient use, can be achieved by new generation machines providing high performance, high manufacturing accuracy, minimum waste of materials and possibility for automation of certain manufacturing processes. The commissioning will help to reach production capacity to meet market demand volumes by optimizing production chains. The planned purchase machine is selected after a thorough analysis of the various stages of the production process and its choice is in line with the objectives of the project. The intended purchase machine will have the necessary technical and functional characteristics for the successful realization of the objectives of this project proposal.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 17 Feb, 2020
End date 15 Apr, 2021
Contract date 17 Feb, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 168,576.72
Grant 118,003.70
Self finance 50,573.02
Total paid 118,003.20
EU participation percent 85.0%
