The implementation of technological modernization in the company by investing in FTA as a factor for optimizing the productivity and competitiveness of the enterprise will increase not only the market share of Fitting Montage EOOD, but will also lead to sustainable jobs, healthy and safe working conditions, and future opening of new jobs. With the purchase of Hydraulic CNC Guillotine, Laser Cutting System, Electromechanical Trilobal Sheet-Folding Machine, Abcant Press with CNC Five-Axis (Y1, Y2, X, R, V) CNC Fitting Installation EOOD will increase its productivity. Investments in tangible fixed assets under the project will improve the resource efficiency and efficiency of the project, because the efficient management of production capacities through the automation of work processes ensures optimal load and controllable use of the necessary resources (electricity, metal, consumables). The successful implementation of the project through the purchase and putting into operation of the above 4 machines will enable the overall objective of the project to be achieved - Enhancing the competitiveness of Fitting Montage EOOD in Bulgarian and European markets by improving productivity, labor and quality production. The project will run for 12 months. The total value of the investments made will be BGN 1 067 800.00.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 10 Feb, 2020 |
End date | 10 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 10 Feb, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,067,800.00 |
Grant | 747,460.00 |
Self finance | 320,340.00 |
Total paid | 298,984.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |