Improving production capacity for growth and ensuring sustainable market competitiveness of BLIK – 99 Ltd.

BLIK-99 is a company specialized in the production of a wide range of components, assemblies and spare parts of metal and construction polymers for almost all industrial branches. The company produces mainly for the Bulgarian market and about 4% of the production is for export. In order to resist the competitive market pressure and to strengthen its positions on the Bulgarian market as well as to expand the export opportunities, the company needs to optimize its production processes and increase the capacity and efficiency of its work. Although we have a good technological equipment, the lack of some machines in the production chain influences the efficiency of the production process and productivity gains. The available equipment also prevents the production of larger series of products and some more specific and complex details with high added value, which is an obstacle to increased production volume and sustainable growth capacity. The current project proposal has the task to meet these needs and constraints. The project aims to expand the production capacity of BLIK-99 Ltd. by adding new technological capacities to the technological park of the enterprise and to improve the production processes in order to achieve higher productivity. The project will be implemented through the activity for improvement of the production capacity of the enterprise by purchasing and putting into operation of tangible fixed assets - high tech equipment. As a result of this activity we are expected to achieve the following outcomes: optimizing production processes, improving productivity, reducing production costs, increasing added value, increasing production volumes and creating the necessary export potential. The implementation of the project and the expected results will help to overcome the problems and constraints to the development and growth of the enterprise and increase its competitiveness.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 13 Feb, 2020
End date 29 Dec, 2020
Contract date 13 Feb, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 550,000.00
Grant 385,000.00
Self finance 165,000.00
Total paid 384,860.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
