Kofrazhna Tehnika AD is a company with a 45-year history, whose main activity is the production of shuttering structures for construction. In connection with its plans to expand its operations and improve its production capacity, the company plans to purchase under the project a completely automated CNC bending machine (abcant). The machine will be used in the preparation phase of the manufacturing process for the bending of the formwork blanks. The introduction of the new abcant will lead to an improvement in the production capacity of the company, namely increasing of the production capacity, improving the production processes, improving quality and reducing production costs per unit of output. The anticipated results from the introduction of the new equipment are due to its high-tech features, allowing pre-programming and visualization of the bending parameters (bending angle and bend size of the processed workpieces), the software simulation of the process and fully automated control of the bending process itself as per the the pre-set parameters. The introduction of new equipment will contribute to the reduction of production costs thanks to the complete automation of the bending process, minimizing the possibility of human error and because of that to higher resource efficiency, as well as to increasing the quality of finished products thanks to the created technological capabilities of high precision and uniform bending along the entire length of the workpiece, and to an increase in the production capacity by about 10-15% thanks to the higher productivity of the new machine compared to that of the existing equipment. The implementation of the project will thus lead to a constant trend of increase of the sales, profits and profitability of the company's activity, which will ensure a sustainable increase of its competitiveness in the long run.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 13 Feb, 2020 |
End date | 19 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 13 Feb, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 335,000.00 |
Grant | 234,500.00 |
Self finance | 100,500.00 |
Total paid | 234,500.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |