This project proposal aims to: 1. Extend the production capacity of the company in the production of insulated glass units and flat and laminated glass processing services; and 2. Expand the presence of DAKS-96 Ltd. on the foreign markets for glass processing services. These goals will be achieved by purchasing a set of tangible assets: 1. Insulated glass unit line 2. Grinding line 3. Horizontal glass washing machine 4. Water treatment machine 5. Vertical Numerically controlled machining center 6. Vertical glass washing machine 7. Waterjet cutting system. These machines are designed to operate in a synchronized technological sequence and, through their high performance, will provide both a significantly greater capacity to provide conventional and laminated glass processing as well as a higher quality of the insulated glass units produced. This will increase the volume of production and services with high added value for both our domestic and foreign markets. This will increase the net sales revenue by 30.20% and the export revenues by 121,61%. Delivering this combination of machines will increase the productivity of the enterprise by 24.74%, improve quality and reduce the cost of raw materials by 5% compared to the available equipment and organization of the production process. This, in turn, will increase the efficiency of production costs by providing the investment with a ROI of 17.47%. The project will contribute to the technological and product priorities of ISSS in the field of Mechatronics and Clean Technologies. The implementation of the project will increase the competitiveness of DAKS-96 Ltd. and its more successful presence in the national and foreign markets by increasing the production volume, optimizing the production process, achieving higher productivity, reducing production costs, products offered.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 19 Mar, 2021 |
End date | 19 Mar, 2022 |
Contract date | 19 Mar, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,294,444.88 |
Grant | 803,055.71 |
Self finance | 1,491,389.17 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |