Improving the production capacity

INSCALE Ltd. is a young technology and consulting company. With the implementation of this project, we want to increase our production capacity by improving one of our services to generate a specific database. This will be done by investing in high tech equipment, software development and implementation of the project: "Improving the production capacity of INSCALE Ltd.". As a result, we will fulfill the main objective of the project "Improvement of the production capacity of INSCALE Ltd. in order to increase the competitiveness and increase the export potential" and to improve the production capacity of the company.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 10 Feb, 2020
End date 18 Sep, 2020
Contract date 10 Feb, 2020
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 312,000.00
Grant 218,400.00
Self finance 93,600.00
Total paid 217,910.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
