Improvement of production capacity in YANEV-YANEVI-S-IE

YANEV-YANEVI-S-IE is a Bulgarian company established in 1991. The main activity of the company includes the production of plastic packaging for the food industry. Based on its experience and quality achieved, the company has successfully established itself on the Bulgarian market. The efforts of the team and the management lead to increasing the volume of orders and diversification of the assortment. With this project proposal, YANEV-YANEVI-S-IE is taking advantage of the opportunity to apply for a subsidy for the purchase of new machines that will increase and diversify the products manufactured. At the same time, new jobs will be created for representatives of socially vulnerable groups, which will facilitate access to employment, provide support for their social inclusion and create conditions for their professional integration. Having your own building stock and qualified staff are prerequisites for further successful development of the company which is to invest in new equipment to improve production capacity. For the successful implementation of this project proposal YANEV-YANEVI-S-IE provides for the purchase of: - Line for production and processing of polymer packaging-1 pc.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 24 Jul, 2020
End date 24 Jul, 2021
Contract date 24 Jul, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 340,600.00
Grant 306,540.00
Self finance 34,060.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

