"Competitiveness through Energy Efficiency and effectiveness"

Investments in the project are aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of the enterprise, which will reduce production costs, greening and increase competitiveness. The project will be implemented realization of initial investments in tangible and intangible assets associated with capacity expansion of an existing business object. The activities are consistent with the recommendations of the report made after energy audit of industrial system within the enterprise. It is envisaged that the delivery and commissioning of assets that will optimize existing production of concrete mixtures and solutions: Wheel-loader, diesel forklift, backhoe tocharach Installation of recycling residual concrete and system for monitoring energy consumption. The optimization and upgrading of the company's activities provide purchase and commissioning of high system utilization of residual heat The project will be implemented and certified ISO 50001: 2011 Energy Management Systems. With the implementation of the activities will improve the market presence of the enterprise management and production process to achieve higher productivity and optimization of the production chain and increase the added value. Objectives and expected results are in line with corporate policy that now observed in overall activity as one of the employers in the region. Proof of this is the introduction of an energy management system, which will ensure sustainable development "STROY AND SNAB" LTD. Expected results from support under the procedure will be the enhanced competitiveness of the enterprise by improving energy efficiency and capacity, which in turn will lead to more sustainable growth and a reduction in energy intensity at the enterprise level.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Nov, 2017
End date 21 Mar, 2019
Contract date 09 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 553,842.58
Grant 386,825.80
Self finance 167,016.78
Total paid 386,726.74
EU participation percent 85.0%
