Increasing energy efficiency in Traktor Ltd.

This project is aimed at increasing energy efficiency and expanding the production capacity of "Traktor" Ltd. through delivery, installation and commissioning of a fiber laser machine - 1, which will replace the currently used eight heavily depreciated and non-energy efficient machines used for cutting of main production resource - structural steel. Recycling of scrap production and use of recycled raw material - recycled steel will be provided by the fiber laser machine. The project includes introduction and certification of the company according to the standard ISO 50001. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy costs and other effects related to the environment will be achieved with the adoption of this standard through systematic management of energy. The investment is structured on the basis of conducted energy audit which shows that as a result of the introduction of this investment into the production process will be achieved energy savings for the enterprise PES = 24.14%, savings from the recommended fiber laser machine in terms of the total energy consumption ESR = 95.65% and savings of CO2 emissions amounted to 164.35 tons per year.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 15 Nov, 2017
End date 22 May, 2018
Contract date 15 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,133,227.84
Grant 685,786.70
Self finance 447,441.14
Total paid 646,912.20
EU participation percent 85.0%
