ET "GARANTSTROY - GANCHO GROZEV" is a construction company founded in 1992 that operates in the road construction sector - construction of civil and industrial buildings. Besides construction activity that carried the company, production and warehouse produces and aluminum and PVC for construction sites and on behalf of other companies and individuals. Besides above mentioned activities the company implements numerous internal and external repairs and finishing. The project will be purchased a number Backhoe loader (Measure 1), a number of mini wheel loader (Measure 2) a number of ventilating equipment manufacturing facility for recovery of residual heat (Measure 3) and monitoring systems for energy (Measure 4) that will reduce the cost of diesel fuel and expanding production activity in the company.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 06 Dec, 2018 |
Contract date | 09 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 269,844.23 |
Grant | 196,470.95 |
Self finance | 73,373.28 |
Total paid | 195,800.49 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |