The project includes investment activities for delivery and implementation commissioning of high-tech equipment for the production of metal products and structures and the Use of residual heat. With the equipment purchased under the project will produce products with high added value, competitive European market. Thanks to the innovative technology of the purchased equipment will improve the quality of manufactured metal products, will be allowed to start mass production will reduce the percentage of rejected production and create a safe working environment. The activities are consistent with the recommendations of the report made after energy audit of industrial system within the enterprise. With the new equipment would increase the energy efficiency of enterprise with 69.19 percent of the energy demand, which will reduce production costs, greening and enhancing the competitiveness of "ENERGOINVEST 2005" LTD. This in turn will have a positive effect not only on concrete support enterprise but on the whole economy. The project will achieve a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 457.62 tons / year. Will introduce a system of utilization of residual heat in the workshop for porizvodstvo of metal products. The sustainability of the project results will be introduced MONITORING SYSTEM of energy and the introduction and certification of Energy Management Systems ISO 50001: 2011. As a result of realization of the project will open two (2) new jobs. Expected results from support under the procedure will be the enhanced competitiveness of predpriyatieo by improving energy efficiency and capacity, which in turn will lead to more sustainable growth and a reduction in energy intensity at both the production companies and general for the economy.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 24 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 04 Sep, 2019 |
Contract date | 24 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 483,192.47 |
Grant | 348,132.73 |
Self finance | 135,059.74 |
Total paid | 327,435.10 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |