Improving energy efficiency in BLIC EOOD

This project proposal envisages replacement of the existing technological equipment being purchased Line Recycling and Granulation of waste PP and PE Plastic and Nylon (LROPN). Currently, the company has technological equipment operating on diesel fuel. Line recycling of plastics and nylon used thermal power burner of diesel fuel. Burner output is 200 kW, while average hourly its fuel consumption - 40 l / h. The equipment is relatively old, inefficient and productive than the new high-tech equipment on the market. The reason for the replacement of old equipment with new, the new are more economical, which will result in less energy consumption, respectively, to less harmful gases into the atmosphere. After integrating LROPN, the production capacity of the enterprise will grow significantly, which in turn will lead to taking more orders and expand production and to lower energy consumption per unit of output. Beneficiary provides the project to introduce a system of energy management / energy management / certification and BS EN ISO 50001. These actions will reduce the cost of energy resources, limiting consumption of energy resources and thus - environmental protection, and continuously measuring and analyzing energy efficiency. The project will be a turnaround 18 months and a total value 2 139 549.76 lev, VAT excluded.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 20 Nov, 2017
End date 24 Jul, 2019
Contract date 20 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 2,139,549.76
Grant 1,485,298.33
Self finance 654,251.43
Total paid 1,485,003.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
