In this project are set activities to implement the recommendations of the energy report which categorically coincide with the development strategy of "KVP-GROUP" "Ltd. to increase the energy efficiency of existing production of aggregate materials on the project will deliver and implement operating assets for the formation of a production line of fractions: crawler excavator, which will supply with aggregates Mobile rotary crusher, Mini excavator sklaidrane of finished products Mini loader for dispatch and automated system for monitoring energy consumption in production facility the enterprise to optimize energy flows. The choice of assets with precise volumes to be produced in order to ensure a continuous production process with low energy consumption. The project will be certified system for energy management. As a result of the implementation of the planned activities are expected energy savings amounting to 2,598,398 kWh / year. or 61.22% of total energy consumption and reduce the emission of CO2 emissions by 751.76 tons / year, which will lead to lower energy intensity at both the plant site and overall economy. Increasing energy efficiency "FAC Group" Ltd. will reduce production costs, greening and enhancing the competitiveness of the enterprise. Production capacity for the production of fractions with the new assets will reach 400 tons / hr in specific energy consumption of 1.90 tons / hour. The new assets will allow manufacturing a new product 3 - to use as foundations for roads, production of concrete, bitumen emulsions, allowing for better planning and efficiency in the production of manufactured factions. The project will identify two jobs.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 15 May, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,131,883.86 |
Grant | 1,494,718.70 |
Self finance | 637,165.16 |
Total paid | 1,494,569.02 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |