"Multifunctional construction company" Ltd is registered in Vidin district in 2003. Qualifications of staff, technical equipment and organizational structure allow execution of particularly wide range of construction activities like construction activities in the field of electricity, industrial and civil construction, reconstruction and modernization and sewerage, electrical wiring, insulation, metal structures, finishing construction activities. The Company is registered in the "Central Register of Professional Builders' and has issued certificates authorizing him to perform the following groups and categories of works: - For the construction of the first group - the third to fifth grade; - For the construction of a third group - the third category; - For the construction of the fourth group - the third and fourth category; Up to the present moment in the Company are working 25 employees - managerial, technical personnel and contractors. Production base now covers an area of 2200 m2 on Tsar Asen II N13 Str. in the industrial area of Vidin. The base has its own power and water supply. There is a road infrastructure to the production base for easy access for trucks. The investment project envisages replacement of the existing technological equipment being purchased described below new equipment with higher technological capabilities, integrated system for heat recovery system for monitoring energy consumption: • Backhoe loader; • Mini loader; • Concrete plant • ventilation with heat recovery for utilization of waste heat • A system for monitoring energy consumption After integrating the above mentioned technological equipment, the production capacity of the enterprise will grow significantly, which in turn will reduce fuel costs greatly, as well as energy consumption per unit of production.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 16 Jul, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 530,340.00 |
Grant | 378,818.00 |
Self finance | 151,522.00 |
Total paid | 355,784.75 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |