Better energy efficiency for HOSVITAL AD

HOSVITAL AD was registered at the beginning of 2008 with main activity: projects and services in the area of environment protection, treatment and transportation of hazardous and non-hazardous watse and construction of ecological systems for utilization of waste. The Company's main statistical activity code is 38.12."Collecting of hazardous watse" HOSVITAL AD collects, transports, disposes and transmits for disposal medical waste (from human and veterinarian medicine) - hazardous and biological. The company's activities are in compliance with Ordinance on the Waste Classification and Law on Waste Management. The wastes are classified, packaged and separated from their generators - medical institutions. Qualified employees perform verification of the integrity of the waste packages. The quantity of the waste is measured and the data are recorded. Medical institutions and the company are responsible for the accuracy of the data. With specialized transport the company transports hazardous watse to incenerator in the city of Sofia. HOSVITAL AD also supplies containers for disposable and reusable, meeting the requirements of ADR, certified for shipment of medical waste. In order to improve its energy efficiency and increase its competitiveness the current project aims to fulfill the following energy saving activities: - purchase of new production equipment - an Autoclave, a two-rotary shredder with a pressing device, a refrigerating room for storing biological waste; - builing activities - providing external thermal insulation, changing of carpentry, providing thermal insulation of a roof, changing of lighting; - introducing and certifying in accordance with ISO 50001.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 22 Jan, 2018
End date 11 Jul, 2019
Contract date 22 Jan, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 292,382.00
Grant 187,345.56
Self finance 105,036.44
Total paid 186,886.11
EU participation percent 85.0%
