Improving the energy efficiency of ‘’ENEV’’ LLC ‘’ENEV’’ LLC was established in 1991 with main economic activity code: 25.12 Doors and windows of metal. The company is a manufacturer of aluminium and PVC windows and doors, glazing systems, including such for glass facades. The project will be executed in a highly energetically intensive sector with economic activity code: 23.12- Shaping and processing of flat glass. Through the current project, the company is planning to replace the old machines used for glazing system production in order to improve and expand its production capacity as well as to decrease the manufacture cost price by increasing the productivity and reducing the electrical energy consumption. The improvement of the company’s energy efficiency will lead to increased competitiveness and shall be accomplished by means of the following investments: 1. Delivery of new high-capacity, energy efficient machines for glass and glazing system manufacture: laminated and float glass cutting tables, rectilinear edgebander, crane truck. 2. Investments concerning the reduction of electrical energy consumption, including delivery and implementation of an automated energy consumption monitoring and control system as well as a system for utilization of the residual air compressor heat. 3. Consulting services for implementation and certification of ISO 50001, energy audit and visualisation.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Dec, 2017 |
End date | 12 Mar, 2019 |
Contract date | 06 Dec, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 439,096.00 |
Grant | 314,153.20 |
Self finance | 124,942.80 |
Total paid | 314,054.20 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |