This project will be implemented by STROY SPEED OOD – a company specialising in the provision of excavation services, demolition works, site preparation for construction or landscaping, transportation of aggregates, cleaning riverbeds, etc. The project foresees the implementation of measures aimed to improve the energy efficiency and to increase the capacity of the company: 1. Measure 1 – Replacement of excavator CAT M 315 by a new one; 2. Measure 2 - Replacement of excavator CAT 325 DLN by a new one. The specific measures are based on the recommendations included in the Energy Efficiency Audit, approved by the Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA) by Opinion No BG16RFOP-148/01.08.2016. The realization of the project and the foreseen measures will result in: * Planned energy savings (PES) amounting to 20.85 %; * Total energy efficiency ratio (EER): 57.30 %. The period of repayment of the planned investment is 5,34 years, at an internal rate of return of 18.07 %. The following activities will be implemented during project realization: Element A “Investment”: * Investments aimed to implement the planned energy efficiency measures - supplier selection, supply of the equipment. Element B “Services”: * Energy efficiency audit; * Integration and certification of an Energy Management System in accordance with the requirements of the standard BDS EN 50001 (Energy Management Systems)/EN ISO 50001; * Publicity and visualization. Total project budget is 821 660,00 BGN, VAT excl. Planned project duration is 14 months.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 30 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 12 Mar, 2019 |
Contract date | 30 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 821,660.00 |
Grant | 581,994.00 |
Self finance | 239,666.00 |
Total paid | 581,949.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |