Support for increasing energy efficiency in CLIMACOM ENGINEERING OOD

The current project proposal includes investments to improve energy efficiency measures as recommended in "energy efficiency assessment" (described in Activity 1), conducted by a person registered in the register under art. 60, par. 1 of the LEE. There are activities planned for the purchase of complete lines with which the company will introduce an entirely new production activity - air ducts and fittings. Currently the main activity of CLIMACOM ENGINEERING OOD is focused on the design, supply and installation of systems and equipment for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, photovoltaic systems and development of systems using RES. Some of these systems are ducts and fittings, which until now have been purchased from other companies. Besides introducing a completely new production equipment with low energy consumption (ESM 1, 2 and 3), the project includes also the integration of a system for heat recovery (ESM 4) and a system for energy consumption monitoring (ESM 5). The implementation of all energy efficiency measures included in the energy audit will lead to the following results: - the production capacity of the enterprise will grow significantly, which in turn will lead to taking more orders and expansion of the enterprise, as well as lower energy consumption per unit of output; - 57.45% planned energy savings for the enterprise (PES); - 91.68% energy savings ratio (ESR). In addition to activities based on recommendations from the conducted energy audit, the project proposal provides also activities for consultancy services for implementation and certification of energy management system in accordance with the requirements of standard ISO 50001, publicity and visualization of the project. The realization of the project idea will increase the competitiveness of CLIMACOM ENGINEERING OOD by improving energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and production capacity.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Aug, 2017
End date 22 Jan, 2019
Contract date 18 Aug, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 691,700.00
Grant 391,118.42
Self finance 300,581.58
Total paid 381,172.28
EU participation percent 85.0%
