The investment project of the "Evropat 2005" Ltd. provides for the reduction of energy costs and optimize production activity in the company through the purchase of new, highly efficient: - Asphalt ( Plant for production of asphalt mixtures) - 1 pc. ( Measure 1 Energy Audit); - Crushing and screening equipment ( MET ) - 1 pc. ( Measure 2 by the Energy Audit). After integrating the new asphalt and crushing and screening plant, the production capacity of the enterprise will grow significantly, which in turn will reduce the cost of fuel and electricity to the unit produced. The "Evropat 2005" Ltd. provides the project to introduce a system of energy management / energy management / certification and BS EN ISO 50001. These actions will reduce the cost of energy resources, limiting the consumption of energy resources and thus, - environmental protection, and continuously measuring and analyzing energy efficiency.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 18 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 06 Dec, 2018 |
Contract date | 18 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,698,843.26 |
Grant | 1,499,378.79 |
Self finance | 1,199,464.47 |
Total paid | 1,496,399.58 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |