Expanding the production capacity of "Troy Tech" Ltd. through the introduction of energy efficient solutions

Troya Tech Ltd. is a furniture manufacturing company located in village of Balkanets, Troyan municipality, whose business is specialized in manufacturing furniture made of solid oak and plywood. The company is well established in the market with its own design and functionality of the manufactured tables, chairs and wood kitchen. Most of machines are outdated, can not meet modern requirements, low productivity, and with increased consumption of electricity. For the purpose of production process are requires new energy-efficeient woodworking machines, capable of processing all types of wood, which will increase the production capacity of the enterprise and will reduce its energy consumption. This project proposal is aimed at buying a new Multiunit machine, CNC woodworking center and a new automatic line for sanding curved parts of four countries. The mere renewal and improvement in technology will make the production process more resource efficient, and will influence improvements in energy efficiency and enhance competitiveness of the enterprise. Investments in energy efficiency will reduce the costs of unit production, increasing competitiveness, lowering energy intensity and sustained growth. The project will be realized through the implementation of the following eligible activities under this procedure: 1), 2) and 3) Expansion the production activity in the company and increase its competitiveness by purchasing new Multiagregatna machine, CNC woodworking center and a new Automatic line for sanding curved parts of four countries. 4). Consultancy services for implementation and certification of energy management system in accordance with standard EN ISO 50001 management systems (energy). 5). Performing an energy audit form. 6). Publicity and visualization of the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 30 Nov, 2017
End date 13 Feb, 2019
Contract date 30 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 785,896.64
Grant 556,903.64
Self finance 228,993.00
Total paid 556,575.45
EU participation percent 85.0%
