The implementation of the project "ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN KAM - 919 LTD" will lead directly to improved energy efficiency and increased competitiveness and sustainable development of KAM - 919 Ltd. through the implementation of specific measures for energy efficiency and the introduction and certification of energy management system in company in accordance with international standard ISO 50001 management systems of energy. In this regard, the project envisages the realization of the following activities: - Activity related to the investment performance of the intended Measure 1 for energy efficiency included in the energy efficiency audits; - Work on the introduction and certification of energy management system in accordance with international standard ISO 50001 management systems of energy; - Activities necessary for the implementation of the project, including conducting an energy audit form, publicity and visualization, project audit. Activities will be implemented through the purchase of specialized equipment and the provision of relevant consulting and professional services. Expected results as a result all implemented actions to improve resource efficiency are to be achieved reducing energy consumption significantly improve the quality and increase the technological range of input raw materials, and to optimize the production of multi-layer corrugated packaging through the use of high quality heterogeneous in types and grades of recycled corrugated paperboard. Result of commissioning of the new plant will allow the use of new types of recycled raw materials for creating quality and environmental products from corrugated cardboard and increasing the efficiency of production costs.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 24 Nov, 2017
End date 07 Aug, 2019
Contract date 24 Nov, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 2,483,850.00
Grant 1,500,000.00
Self finance 983,850.00
Total paid 1,499,568.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
