The project provides for the purchase, delivery, installation and commissioning of new crawler excavator (Measure 1) and a new screening-washing installation (Measure 2). The new equipment has a higher performance and lower energy consumption per unit of output. Chain excavator is 4 - cylinder diesel engine with a rated power of 110 kW / 148 hp, automatic diagnostics and auto-sync speed. Bucket, with which is equipped the machine's volume 1.4 m³ The new screening - washing installation consists of a classifier and premivno screen. The classifier has a capacity of 105 t. / H., As is driven hydraulically, i.e. its power is 0 kW, which inevitably leads to energy savings. Premivnoto screen has a capacity of 200 tons. / Hr., Output of both engines is a total of 74 kW and a capacity of 8 cubic meters bunker One of the functions of the sieve is sifted and washed unfit for use inert material to a final fraction suitable for making concrete, concrete mixtures, mortars and other needs for construction. Another major feature is its use for screening and sorting of recycled material from the crusher. All this, and given the almost complete automation of production will lead to significant energy savings and higher productivity for the company. Beneficiary provides the project to introduce a system of energy management / energy management / certification and BS EN ISO 50001. These actions will reduce the cost of energy resources, limiting the consumption of energy resources and thus - protection the environment, and continuously measuring and analyzing the energy efficiency. The project will be a turnaround 18 months and a total value 1 245 625.00 BGN, VAT excluded.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 07 May, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,245,625.00 |
Grant | 879,517.50 |
Self finance | 366,107.50 |
Total paid | 879,167.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |