VELPA Ltd. is specialized in production of masked corrugated packaging and cardboard. The company is active on the Bulgarian market since 1998. In 2006 it built a new workshop that is equipped with highly advanced machines. In 2009 starts cooperation between VELPA Ltd. and the Turkish company Sisejam, Trakia Glass Bulgaria EAD, Targovishte and subsequently the company managed to defend its position as a reliable and trustworthy provider of quality, deadlines and competitive prices in the manufacture and supply of packaging for products manufactured in Trakia Glass Bulgaria EAD. At present 90% of the turnover of the company is formed by packaging it produces for Trakia Glass Bulgaria EAD. The rest of the sales packaging for clients such as Didis Ltd., New Glass EAD, Bulgaria Meggle Ltd. ADL-IDEAL LTD. In order to fully exploit the capacity of installed machines in the enterprise, the company performs services tolling. Services include - laminating and gluing to various clients as Dedrax AD colorit Press Ltd., Duropak Thrace AD. From 2010 to present production on a constantly increasing as achieved annual growth is about 10-14%. In implementation of the project Energy Efficiency in VELPA EOOD will be achieved following direct results: - Purchase and commissioning of a new punching machine capable of processing masked sheets of recycled corrugated cardboard and sizes up to 1600/1100 mm and an output of 6,000 sheets / hour; - Introduced and certified energy management system in accordance with standard BS EN ISO 50001:2011. - Annual energy savings from recommended package (SG): 554 227.62 kWh / yr. - Planned energy savings for the enterprise as a result of project implementation (PES): 55.81%. - Energy savings Ratio (ESR) total: 90.2% - Payback period of investment: 5.44 years; - Internal rate of return (IRR): 18.28%
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Nov, 2017 |
End date | 17 Sep, 2019 |
Contract date | 20 Nov, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,130,000.00 |
Grant | 1,497,000.00 |
Self finance | 633,000.00 |
Total paid | 1,494,147.27 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |