The project is aimed at renewal and improvement of technology and production processes through investments in resource efficient, more productive and more energy - efficient power. To improve their energy Efficiency and following the procedures for selection of contractors, according to ZUSESIF and PMS №160, the company will invest in: - Energy audit to recommend measures for optimizing the production process and reduce energy consumption; - Lentoshlifovachna machine - 1 pc.; - CNC Hydraulic abkantpresa - 1 pc.; - Vertical machining center - 1 pc.; - CNC Laser gantry machine - 1 pc. technical parameters in accordance with prescribed audit measures as well as introduction to ISO 50001 and its certification. The project provided six activities: - Perform an energy audit form; - Acquisition of new production equipment - Lentoshlifovachna machine - 1 pc. - Acquisition of new production equipment - CNC Hydraulic abkantpresa - 1. - Acquisition of new production equipment - Vertical machining center - 1. - Acquisition of new production equipment - CNC Laser gantry machine - 1 pc. - Consulting services for implementation and certification to ISO 50001. After successful implementation of the project activities, the company will achieve a reduction in energy intensity of production, increase productivity and increase the efficiency of the company and will align in accordance with standard BS EN ISO 50001 / EN ISO 50001. So IKIS SL Ltd. will boost competitiveness through the production of larger volumes lighting with lower energy consumption. Activities will be implemented in strict compliance with the requirements for visualization, information and publicity.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 17 Aug, 2017 |
End date | 06 Feb, 2019 |
Contract date | 17 Aug, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,449,850.00 |
Grant | 523,950.00 |
Self finance | 925,900.00 |
Total paid | 520,415.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |